Traveling is fun until your bills arrive and you realize you’ve spent so much money and find yourself broke. This has happened to me too. For travel fanatics like me, here are some tips to avoid getting broke after traveling :
1. Do not spend too much on taxi or cab rides. Walking is good exercise to explore the city. If walking can’t be an option, try apps such as Uber/Lyft if they are available in the area. Their prices are usually more reasonable than local taxis.
2. Stick to your budget. Avoid using your credit card and pay in cash as much as possible. Be wise when using an ATM card or when you need a currency exchange.
3. Know your priorities and try not to buy expensive stuff. Ask yourself if you have a schedule to shop for the trip. There’s always a right time to shop. Sometimes I regret buying too much things after realizing I don’t need them.
4. Instead of buying or having expensive breakfast at the hotel, you can bring your own “baon” like 3-in-1 coffee, cereals, peanut butter and bread. Or take advantage of the hotel’s complimentary tea and coffee services. It can save you one meal in a day!
5. Make sure to bring appropriate clothes so you don’t end up buying at your destination . Checking the weather will give you ideas on what to pack for your trip.
6. Plan your spending. Have separate envelopes for each expense. By doing this, you will know where you are spending the most and you will be able to budget your money.
7. Do you need to get local city tours? Why not try to explore on your own this time.
8. When traveling with a group, everyone will be able to save on meals, transfers and hotel accommodations if the bill is divided among yourselves.
9. Pay all your travel expenses ahead of time or a few months before so that you don’t worry paying after your trip.
10. Make sure you are healthy before traveling to avoid getting sick in your trip. Bring medicine if possible. It’s expensive to be hospitalized in other countries so it’s wise and practical to get a travel health insurance too.
11. Cellphones and Data charges. I know how important to be connected especially when I am not traveling with my kids. But I don’t want to arrive home with a huge and complicated bill. Call your carrier and inquire about international data charges before your trip or you can check online if it will be better to get one at your destination.
12. Learn from your past mistakes. Spend on experiences and not on material things. Avoid buying souvenirs especially at the airport. I believe that the best souvenirs are the ones we create in our memories. And of course, don’t forget to keep on taking a lot of photos!