Posted in My travel guides

What to Wear When Traveling

IMG_0302Looking good and wearing the right and appropriate clothes are my biggest dilemmas when I travel. I usually prepare the clothes I will pack at least a week before my trip. I used to bring clothes based on comfortability, without putting so much effort on fashion and if they were instagram worthy or vice-versa. As time went by, I realised that it is important to dress up accordingly and be fashionable at the same time. And that it shouldn’t cost me so much in buying these outfits.

  1. Basic Tops – tops like the V-neck cotton short and long sleeves in black, dark blue and brown. These are my favourites from Uniqlo. I have had them for years now and I think buying them was a good investment.                         IMG_2366
  2. Jeggings and leggings – I am so glad that these pants were invented to make travels more comfortable. They are easy to wash and dry. Look for jeggings that has a nice fit or would compliment your body and shape.
  3. Light Sweater or Cardigan – cardigans are my life saver. I always bring at least 2-3 pieces depending on how long will my trip be. They say to always check the weather of your destination before you travel and I do agree, but since there’s been a rapid change in our climate, it has become more unpredictable. So what I always do is layering.           IMG_0122
  4. Scarves – Like I always say, scarves keep me warm all the time and I use it as an accessory too. Travel Essentials In My Bag I Can’t Live Without  . I love plaids, plain and floral prints. Invest on scarves that will last for a long time.                                      IMG_2371
  5. Nice blouses and shirts – Avoid buying printed blouses or tops that would be hard to mix and match. Printed clothes are not that practical to invest into. I stick to plain and basic color tops like black, white, beige, brown and blue or whatever solid colors.                      IMG_2368.JPG
  6. Skirt and shorts – I always bring black skirts and black shorts for casual or formal gatherings or dinner. They can be paired with anything.                                      IMG_2367
  7. Dress – I always bring one black dress for dinner, a date or watching broadway/musical.
  8. Black Leather Jacket – This jacket is very versatile and I discovered that one should really invest in it. Believe me, you will have a different look and you will feel more confident.       IMG_1881
  9. Coat – They used to be heavy in the past. But now they have them light. Look for gray or white color. A coat can define your total look.              IMG_1243
  10. Undergarments – While it is important to look and feel good especially with the clothes you’re wearing, having the appropriate undies and bra matters too. This may seem a little funny or embarrassing at first, but I believe wearing comfortable and proper undergarments will surely complete your look. (Even if no one else is going to see them HAHA)
  11. Flat ballet shoes – Expensive shoes don’t mean they are the most comfortable. I have bought a pair of local shoes ( Made in the Philippines) and as if they were sent straight from heaven. I always buy one size bigger as to not have my feet aching after a lot of walking. These flat shoes are so light and can be worn anytime. Aside from that, they look fashionable too. Shoes can make or break your day so make sure to wear comfortable shoes when you travel.                           IMG_2374.JPG
  12. Sandals – I used to bring high-heeled shoes whenever I travel, but I would only use them once in my entire trip. I have learned that it is not practical to bring one anymore unless there’s an occasion like a wedding or birthday to attend to. Aside from flat shoes, I also bring a pair of these comfortable and fashionable sandals.                    IMG_2372
  13. Rubber shoes – Honestly I am not a rubber shoes kind of person. I think I started using them only few years ago for traveling.  I sometimes bring a pair when I know that there will be a lot of walking on my trip. Today I am still not into rubber shoes. (HAHA) FullSizeRender 4.jpg
  14. Make up – Wearing simple make up is not a crime. Actually, I have great respect for people who would opt for the natural look. But for me, wearing simple make up like lipstick, mascara and powder is important. It shows that we want to look good, if not better. And if we look good, we feel GREAT.
  15. Jewelry and accessories – I only bring a simple pair of pearl earrings and a watch when I travel.                 IMG_2370

2 comments on “What to Wear When Traveling

  1. looking forward to your tips and stories about travelling. would you also suggests places to visit and what to do and how to pack etc?

    1. Thank you for taking your time to read my blog posts, Yeng! Yes for sure 🙂 Please watch out for my future posts!

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